Hotel Scoring International
Universal Hotel Categorization System.

" Beyond the stars… Fairer than opinions. "

HotelScoringInternational is a worldwide hotel rating and certification organization. It offers a tool that allows you to obtain an objective technical rating that is compatible with the establishment’s star rating or reputational scores.


HSI is based on a methodology developed and patented, which is periodically reviewed by a committee of experts.


The self-assessment and HSI certification is simple and quick, within the reach of hotel professionals committed to quality and improvement processes.


It is a complementary and compatible system with the star rating and reputational scores awarded by the global marketing platforms.


HSI guarantees the security and confidentiality of the information provided in the self-assessment and certification process.


HSI is an intelligent parametric evaluation system that allows you to know the SCORING of your hotel.
Below you will find the 3 phases that will lead you to the certification of your hotel in the most efficient way.
Phase 1

Gather information to

During the process, the professional must have at his disposal administrative and technical documentation of the establishment.
Phase 2- FREE


The employer must respond responsibly to the HSI questions raised.
Phase 3

Apply for the Official HSI Certificate

A committee of experts will review the SELF-ASSESSMENT, validate the answers and award the official HSI certificate.

Why HOTELSCORINGInternational?

We evaluate and certify hotels
It is a tool designed with high standards of quality and objectivity, with a broad scope that covers from the most general to the most specific details.
HSI is the universal approved tool for obtaining your technical scoring, which allows hoteliers to objectively know their performance rating compared to their competitors, in a global and dynamic market.
It enables the hotel operator to plan improvement processes at the highest level, as well as to reduce the dependence on star ratings or customer reviews. You will have information that will allow you to implement competitive advantages in hotel marketing processes, commercial and financial activities.

" Beyond the stars… Fairer than opinions. "

Our goals

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We are the leading hotel Scoring platform.
Work with us.

Process details

Preparation for the SELF-ASSESSMENT process requires:

1- Have the necessary resources available:

  • Total time (4-8 hours).
  • Technical and administrative documentation of the establishment (management).

2- Prior familiarization with the SELF-ASSESSMENT process. We recommend testing the DEMO.

Keep in mind that you will have to answer more than 400 questions, which implies planning time and the necessary documentary support.

The HSI process requires your qualification and full knowledge of the facility, or, if not, the advice of the responsible persons in each area.

In summary, the necessary consultation documentation is:

  1. Plans and technical information of the establishment.
  2. Protocol and operational management manuals.

Process details:

The self-assessment process consists of over 400 questions divided into 12 groups:

GROUP 2: The property

– GROUP 2.1: Common areas.

        • GROUP 2.1.1: Common areas indoors.
        • GROUP 2.1.2: Common areas Outdoor.

          – GROUP 2.2: Rooms.

– GRUPO 2.3: Construction and architectural configuration.

GROUP 3: Services

– GROUP 3.1: Restauration.

– GROUP 3.2: Leisure

– GROUP 3.3: General Services.

GROUP 4: Management

– GROUP 4.1: Commercial management

– GROUP 4.2: Work environment

– GROUP 4.3: Quality and Control.

    The user is obliged to answer each of the questions posed in a truthful, rigorous and documented manner. At the end of the process you will obtain your SCORING or PROVISIONAL objective rating of the hotel

      You will have access to the SELF-ASSESSMENT forms, once acquired, you will have a maximum period of 15 days to complete the form. During this period you will be able to interrupt the process and resume it from where you left off as many times as you wish.

        The SCORING obtained is a result:

        • Provisional.
        • Informative.
        • Self-assessment

          For the commercial and/or commercial use of your SCORING, it is mandatory to obtain the HSI OFFICIAL CERTIFICATION which will allow you to make free use of the SCORING obtained (see conditions of use).

            The official HSI certification requires an audit process performed by HSI professionals, which will allow you to use and disseminate it for commercial, strategic or financial purposes.

              The SELF-ASSESSMENT allows you to know the performance limits of your facility.

              Process details

              Official certification must be requested or acquired no later than 30 days from the completion of the SELF-ASSESSMENT.

              The OFFICIAL CERTIFICATION process begins with the completed SELF-ASSESSMENT form and ends with the official accreditation that gives you your final score.  The official certification includes:

              • Official certification.
              • Certification report (DUE DILLIGENCE) and proposal of improvement factors.
              • HSI identification mark and plaque with its scoring.
              • License to use the HSI brand seal.

              An HSI COMMITTEE OF EXPERTS will review and validate the answers provided in the form, for which they will contact you for a telephone interview and request the necessary documentation (the same suggested in the SELF-ASSESSMENT process).

              Likewise, during the certification period, an on-site verification process may be carried out at the establishment by specialized auditors.

              HSI will accredit the establishment with the corresponding HOTEL SCORING CERTIFICATE.

              HSI reserves the right to grant the HOTEL SCORING CERTIFICATE.

              The HOTEL SCORING CERTIFICATE may not coincide with the result obtained by SELF-ASSESSMENT, as it depends on the verifications and controls carried out by the expert auditors.

              The HSI CERTIFICATE is valid for 5 years.

              Note: The inspector may request on-site inspection for which the establishment will provide accommodation for a period of 2 nights.

              I want to request certification for my hotel

              I have successfully completed the full self-assessment questionnaire and want to apply for certification for my hotel. These are the data with which I registered my company: